Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Paint Guy

Nothing too exciting, but I have a simple story. So our church is having everyone put signs in their yard advertising for the Easter Sunday service next week. Naturally, we have one in our yard. So, while my mom, Alex, and I were out yesterday a guy my mom hired came and did something to our yard/patio/front of the house area. The guy saw the sign in our yard, so what does he assume? That we WANT lots of signs in our yard. So we pull onto our street, what do we see? A giant sign advertising for his paint services. What did I do? Ripped it out of the ground and told my mother, "The Easter sign has a significant purpose, this other one just flat-out looks tacky." So what does she do in response? Laughs at my comment. I love bringing my mother laughter, I truely do.

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