Psalm 23
The Lord pointed out this chapter to me three different times over the past week and a half. Psalm 23 was a chapter I could practically recite to almost anyone because even the newest Christian has heard it before.
However, as many times as I've heard this chapter, it never really sunk in until I was at the beach last week.
For those of you who don't know, I'm a musical theatre student studying in New York City. I'm in a two year conservatory, and as of three weeks ago I'm halfway done with my studies. And in case some of you didn't know-living in New York City is not easy and is not cheap. I do live in the dormitory housing until I graduate, but the thought of TRULY living on my own in a matter of a few months began to stress me out.
Stress has always been a weird thing for me. I either don't stress NEARLY enough or I stress WAY to much to the point I make myself sick.
This stress was the time of stress where I was making myself sick. Thoughts of finding an apartment, roommates, a steady job, etc., etc. were constantly on my mind. I was also beginning to wonder WHY I was brought to NYC, WHY I was doing musical theatre, WHY this, WHY that.
Then, one Sunday just a few weeks ago a guest speaker came to speak at my church (Hillsong NYC). He told us that it isn't really our place to question God "WHY?" we just have to trust in Him that His love endures forever.
That hit me harder than when I cracked my head on the coffee table when I was five.
I told myself to stop questioning God all the time because it wasn't my place. And it made everyday life a little bit easier.
But that didn't stop me from worrying.
For those of you who don't know, there's 19 of us on my mom's side of the family. And all 19 of us go to the beach together almost every year. I'm the oldest of the grandchildren which is sometimes awkward. I'm expected to keep the kids busy (which I love, don't get my wrong. My cousins mean everything to me) but at the same time I want to spend time with the adults and have grown up conversations. Another awkward thing is that when I was younger, I lived super close to almost all my aunts and uncles, so when I'm at the beach- I have 86 parents.
But this time I didn't mind having 86 parents. I needed the love and advice. And I'm so incredibly thankful for them. My Uncle "Brasky" in particular really helped me out and made me feel more confident about what I'm doing.
Even though I had gotten tons of advice throughout the week from family members, I didn't feel safe (if that's the right word) in what I was doing.
Then one night at around midnight I pulled up my Bible on my phone and Psalm 23 was the first thing that came up. I began to sob. God reminded me that I have nothing to fear and that He is always with me. With reading those six verses all my stress was lifted off my shoulders. God reminded me that I had A-time, B-support C-a loving family and D(most importantly)- HIM!
I think every college student needs to remind themselves of Psalm 23. "And if our God is for us, then who shall every stop us? And if our God is with us, then what can stand against?"
Your heart is beautiful friend. Because of God within you, your light shines bright. You're courageous and hopeful, spunky and free, honest and brave all at once.