Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Concert time.

Last night I went to the Maroon 5/Train/Gavin Degraw concert. It. was. fan.tas.tic. I sang along with almost all of the songs (resulting in me not having a voice this morning), I got to spend the evening with some crazy amazing people (!), and Adam Levine is beautiful.
But, the concert itself is not why I'm making this post. (Even though it was AMAZING!) This post is about this song. My mom was talking about her being proud of me with my decision to not have sex until I'm married, and at the end of the concert, they did this song and it made me think of what my mom had said.
It may not be now, it may not even happen ten years from now, but one day, I will be loved. I'm already loved by God and by my friends and family, but one day I will be LOVED by THE ONE. And, since I'm a cryer, I got choked up during this song.
I will be loved. I will be loved by that someone special who I will one day give my full self to, because he's the only person I want to be with. I may not even know this man yet, but that's okay. I'm pretty patient :)

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