Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Can I Just Say... much I LOVE my small group? They make me feel so special. Giving words of encouragement to others has always been a big deal with me. I always want people to be uplifted with whatever they're doing. But tonight we were finishing up book study on "Forgotten God" (which is great, I might add!) and one of our leaders made these little pages and framed them and gave one to each of us. They had your name and a bunch of words that the girls in the small group used to describe that person (and they were written in a funky way.) But as I was reading them, I just felt so special. And people may deny it until pigs fly, but listening to things like that really makes a person feel good.

The things that were written on there made me feel like I was actually doing something right. (and I don't feel that way very often) These lovely ladies are just so wonderful. God has truely blessed me with them! (In case you hadn't noticed, but I don't use names on my blog) but we prayed as a group over each individual person and when it got to my turn, my dearest love prayed for me and I wanted to cry. She is one of VERY few people who knows my ENTIRE life story so she just simply said in her prayer, "God, Emily has been through A LOT in her life, yet she's able to smile everyday and encourage each of us all the time." I love that woman!

So, if this blog post seemed like it was all about me, I didn't intend for it to be that way. This blog post was to show people how blessed I am to be surrounded by such wonderful women each and every week!

1 comment:

  1. Emily, I don't know the words to describe what I felt when I read your blog posts tonight. Many emotions as I read through different ones. I am so thankful that you have chosen to stay at Southbrook and come to Lifegroup. You are such a special unique woman that I am privileged to experience life with. Great blog!
